Learn About SSL Certificate (Types)

The ‘Secure Sockets Layer’ is an advanced security protocol which was developed to acquire safety while sending information over internet. This establishes an encrypted link between a server and a client.
Only the intended recipient can access the sensitive information. This was the cause why SSL certificate is used by every sender. If this SSL certificate is used, only the server to where information is sent can read and access.
SSL certificate safeguards data by encrypting it and getting rid of hackers from user’s site. This is compulsory for your website to access through https connection. But once the data is on server, SSL certificate does not take the guarantee. User’s personal information like name, address, credit card details etc. is kept hidden between the client and the merchant with the help of SSL.
Note – Follow this Link if you need Free SSL Certificate
http changes to https only when SSL certificate is installed. This certificate is generated and issued by a Certified Authority OR a trusted third party.
There are multi-featured SSL certificates. Below I have discussed them in detail.
Extended Validation Certificate (EV SSL)
Extended validation certificate is equivalent to the highest level of faith that a company can encourage its visitors. This is a new kind of SSL certificate that trusts the clients that he can control the website.
This activates padlock and green address bar in all browsers that has the strongest encryption level and makes an organization capable of presenting its own identity to the site visitors.
This SSL requires assurance, visible trust and strong encryption to run in an application. Extended validation certificate is primarily used by brands, financial institutions that have direct relation with its consumers and need to have transaction on day to day basis.
Organization Validated Certificate (OV SSL)
Generally organizations go for this Organization Validated Certificate. This also works like that of EV SSL. The basic point of attraction behind OV SSL is it displays the organization’s name inside. Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/) is a good example of OV SSL. The certified authority takes one or two days to issue an Organization Validated Certificate building a moderate level of trust to the users.
These certificates have been ranked to have the second highest price. Commercial or public facing websites need this certificate to keep shared information confidential and private. But the owner of the website must have right to his specific domain name.
Note – To Get SSL Certificate at cheap cost – Cheap SSL Certificate
All these validation processes are taken care by the Certified Authority.
Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
Domain Validation certificates are of basic level of SSL security. Unlike OV SSL, it does not show the organization’s name but simply tells a user who the domain is. So it has detached the barrier for those small and week sites that were not able to get entry for purchasing SSL.
There are very less procedures and regulations to get a DV SSL. This includes only confirmation of domain ownership by the owner through a phone call or mail.
It is also cheaper as compared to other types of SSLs. DV SSL is preferable only when there is no need of extra assurance of a website.
Multi Domain SSL Certificates
In the era of growing technologies, it has become easy to secure up to 100 different domain names and subdomains with the help of only one SSL certificate. A user can attach marginal host and IP addresses within a single SSL. This saves money and time. Now gone are the days when owner had to get SSL certificates for each domain.
There are three types of SSL certificates that have different functions. The Subject Alternative Name certificates allow additional hosts. Wildcard SSL certificates add and stores subdomains for future purpose.
Unified communications certificates utilize Microsoft exchange and office communications. These can also be used as EV SSL as it has the highest level of assurance.
To sum it up
As SSL is playing the vital role in giving security to the sites, so we can consider it as the care taker of all our sensitive details and information. Pick any of the above to nurture your site depending on the nature of the dealings.
Each of them is excellent in secularizing the owner.