What is SSL Certificate and Advantages and how it works?
IF you want to provide your customers with a safe, secure, environment on your website. Then you have to secure your web with ssl certificate because the web is the best place to in addition to provide the information. Which they feel safe there in your website however there are bad peoples around us who have like nothing better than stealing the customers information in the credit card, then the customers have she no interest to do business with you.

What is SSL Certificate?
So, we set up web security that the customer will trust us so there we use SSL (SECURE SOCKETS LAYERS) this certificate takes a message from the customer side and then there is a receiver between both of us after that the message will come to the other side with the use of SSL if somebody wants to hack or want to know the information between the whole procedure then they will not find out this because the message is go in a coding language no one can find out that what was in that message.
So, SSL is a very useful thing nowadays because we all know that how much frauds cases are there was so this make are domain more secure and trustful. OR we can also say that if you have SSL on your domain then your connection will be secured.
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What Google has to said about SSL
And on August 6, 2014 Google did say that something very particular that if you have SSL on your website then you have an extra edge and you have an advantage on the search engine on ranking.
In a survey one new thing also fines that after 2014 when Google said SSL certificate will affect your ranking on the search engine after this from 2015 to 2019 many big faces said that for which domain they purchase the SSL certificate the domain have a good increment in the last 3 years and the people who don’t buy any SSL for their domain they don’t see a good increment in their website whereas they face a big bounce rate in their sites because of the unprotected websites audience see that this is a unprotected site so they click back from their sites so that’s why they face a big bounce rate in their websites.
Types of SSL (Secure Sockets Layers)
-Single Domain SSL Certificate
Single domain SSL Certificate only work for a single domain the single domain not even work for a subdomain. If you have to write blogs or articles then the Single Domain SSL is best for you.

-Multi Domain SSL certificate
Multi Domain SSL Certificate works for many versions like one in your mobile and have so many other versions. This one will be used by the people who have multi domains
-Wild card SSL Certificate
This is best when used in an environment with only one domain name. And this is easy to manage as compare to the others SSL Certificate and this SSL Certificate is perfect for a growing business.
-Organisation SSL Certificate
In this SSL certificate the one who is giving us the certificate takes more information about us retakes our organisation name, phone no, our location and clears the audience. After this enquiry that our organisation is real or fake or does it exist or not. Like amazon some ecommerce companies’ requirement will take this certificate. Because this certificate is ideal to the ecommerce companies and user register websites it helps to gain some trust from the audience. It takes time to issue and high in price and some paperwork’s.
-Extended validation
It is the strictest procedure. If you have a business and a legal identity.

And this is expensive and have taken much time to issuing and the paperwork for this is very much. This SSL Certificate is used in banking , online finances and credit cards. These types of websites will be known as the safest and the trustful websites due to the high advance programming. These sites are very hard to get hacked or we can say that will never be get hacked by someone.
Advantages of SSL certificate
-Nowadays SSL Certificate are looking like mandatory. Nowadays it is easy to steal the data from the mid of you and the hosting, so the Http make are data safe. And people nowadays are all using https because this also makes are place in the search engine and improves are ranking.
-The most important thing is that google is showing a message to the audience. Who press enter to your sit google showing them ‘’This website is not safe’’ and it surely less your traffic.
So as fast as possible go and take your https.